Thursday, May 12, 2011

BlackBerry PlayBook: good points

Despite negative reviews on the internet, PlayBook has several good and useful features too, such as an intuitive user interface, good word processing app, and browsing experience that keeps users happy.

The new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is an easy target for skeptics these days. The device has been panned by many reviewers who point out deficiencies such as the absence of a native email client and even basic apps, and the compulsion of connecting the device to a BlackBerry phone in order to use BlackBerry Messenger.
The user interface of BlackBerry is extremely complicated, and users have to dig their way through various menus. This makes them suspect that the PlayBook interface will also turn out to be complicated, but fortunately things are otherwise.
The device doesn't have buttons and there are only two basic gestures for operating it, swipe-up and swipe-down. It's very easy, just like Apple's iPad, but it hasn't actually copied iPad.
Here are some points that will make users feel good about PlayBook:
The user interface of BlackBerry PlayBook is a well thought out solution that utilises multi touch gestures really well. iPad or Android users who are accustomed to the home button will need to do some relearning, but once they are through that stage the swipe gestures will come easily to them.
Even those who are not used to gestures have an option in the form of buttons or icons on the user interface as well.
The speakers of the device are placed on the sides of the screen unlike in other tablets, which have them on the rear or bottom. The better than expected speakers definitely give you an enhanced video experience and audio through the headphones is good.
The QNX operating system handles multitasking extremely efficiently. The tablet has the required hardware to run apps in the background, quite like what happens in a desktop or laptop.
The PlayBook's browser is useful and fast, and it takes just one tap to remove the menu bar for a full screen experience. It supports multiple tabs as well, and the zoom feature allows users to concentrate on the desired part of web pages.
The device is light, narrow and slim, and its 7 inch size feels extremely comfortable in the hand. Users can hold it for longer as well.
The word processor of the PlayBook is an optimum example of a Word Processing app, which is needed in tablets like this. Named 'Word To Go', the app comes pre-installed on the tablet and is very easy to use.

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